Currency Converter

OANDA's currency converter was the primary driver of targeted traffic to

Onanda was going through changes and it was time to update their currency converter which was overdue for a revamp to improve the usability, interaction, styling, branding and SEO requirements.

Original Converter  

The primary objective was to increase traffic to the converter page and design the appropriate hooks to attract customers to their FX trading platform "FXTrade"

Project Kick Off

As usual we had a kick off meeting to get things started and set expectations. Conducted classic Heuristics evaluation exercise of the currency converter page and generated detailed reports. Started our interview process with customer support team on many occasions to validate our assumptions and created a design brief and presented my plan to executives.


We kicked off a number of short but affective discovery sessions to align our thinking with the executives. Kept stakeholder involved every step of he way.


We were given time to think about the problem from all angles. Business, Design, Technical, and most importantly the USER objectives. The goal was to deliver a new currency convert that met current modern standards but respected the history and importance of this one component or page.

Design Strategy

Working with the executive team to align with product mission, we embraced a design approach that delivered positive results.  

As we conducted research we discovered that there are hundreds of currency converters on the Web, and we need to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the pack. 

We met current existing features while pushing the boundaries to improve the overall customer experience to keep users engaged and coming back for more. 

End Result

Details coming soon...